Professor Layton and the Spectre’s Call – Puzzle 92-133

Puzzle 92 The three Keys

Solution: It is A


Puzzle 93 The escape route

Solution: 1 right 2 down 1 right 1 down 2 left 1 down 3 right 3 up 1 left 3 down


Puzzle 103 Crank

Solution: up


Puzzle 116 Stained Glass

Tip: the Squares in the corner are in one color


Puzzle 124 snake mummies

Solution: It is D


Puzzle 130 The four Weights

Solution 8- 1-9-2

or 2-9-1-8


Puzzle 131 Dark Labyrinth I


2 down 1 right 1 up 4 right

1 down 1 right 1 down 1 left

1 down 4 left 1 down 1 left

2 down 3 right 1 up 4 right

1 up 1 left 1 up 2 right

4 down


Puzzle 133 Box crane

Tip: you can pick two boxes at the same time.

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