Professor Layton and the Spectre’s Call – Puzzle 62-72


Puzzle 62 best friend

tip: you can not see the birthmark/mole on her.


Puzzle 63 turned Letter

Solution: the Letter L is mirrored


Puzzle 68 stray cat

1. Fish 2 right

2. Fish 2 down

3. Fish 1 right

4. Fish 6 up

5. Fish 6 left

6. Fish 7 down


Puzzle 70 Good Neighborhood

Solution: on the total left is the house C with a blue roof, in the middle the house A with a yellow roof and on the right the house B with a red roof.


Puzzle 72 cap swap

Solution: In the  second row swap the second from the left one up and in the third row swap the second from the left to diagonally to the right and downwards


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